CDL/KXL Library - Levels - Pre-WorkShop  
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This program prompts the user for an entity ID, then turns off all the levels, turns on the level that the indicated entity is on, and highlights the entity. The entity will stay highlighted until the user hits Accept/Backup/Escape at the "Hit Accept to continue" prompt. This can be used to track down entities that are causing problems in your part file when you know their ID. (The IGES translator reports the IDs of problem entities, for example.) This program is not supported by Baystate Technologies, Inc.

Downloaded: 6 Submited by: Greg Marr
on 13.08.1998 00:00:00
Download ent-id.cdl

Here is a .cdl I have been using. It uses aspects of some .cdl's I have seen posted here, with some modifications added by me. I cannot remember the author's of these 'source' programs, so I hope they don't mind me not being able to give them their due credit. This .cdl asks for you to select any entity on display. It then identifies the level of the entity, makes it current & turn off all other levels. It'll work with single or multiple viewports. I hope you find it useful.

Downloaded: 5 Submited by: Phil Nelson
on 03.08.1998 00:00:00
Download lvls-off.cdl
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